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LIVE RADIO! Laurent Guyénot on Satanism Panic; Wyatt Peterson on JFK-RFK-9/11 Parallels

Listen live Fridays noon to 2pm Eastern on Revolution.Radio later archived at

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First hour: Laurent Guyénot, author of From Yahweh to Zion, discusses his two new French-language articles “Hollywood, CIA, Epstein, Pizzagate : Check out the Documentary Out of Shadows ” and  “Manufacturing False Memories and the MK Ultra File.” (Non-francophones can cut and paste the text into Google translate to get a sense of their contents.) We’ll also discuss the apparent Trump shooting. Spoiler: Laurent agrees with my interpretation.

Laurent wrote me to ask about Islam’s interpretation of Satan and satanism, adding:

“I’ll have to state from the start that I don’t believe that Satan exists, except as a collective Idea. There was no satan before christianity. I’m a stoic: evil is ignorance.
In a nutshell, my general opinion is:
– Satanism in pop culture is like pornography: a way to destroy the youth. Those who promote this do not believe in or worship satan. They believe in Yahweh or in the self-chosenness.
– Satanic ritual abuse is, to a large extent, a psychiatric phenomenon of « false memories » produced in psychotherapy: this position attracts me a lot of insults, but I’ve been studying the topic for twenty years.
– the notion that the world is rule by pedosatanic people is a psyop of Q-Anon. In real life, there are pedophiles, and child prostitution.
– The idea that satan rules the world is the smartest way to destroy the real dissident movement. To control people by fear, there is no better tool than Satan.
– There are a lot of crazy people in the conspiracy world who, when they run out of topics, speak about Satan. It makes them look courageous and deep, and it impresses gullible people.”

Second hour: Wyatt Peterson, author of the book Perfidy of Zion and the article “October 7 in Context”, returns to discuss his new article “Parallels: JFK, RFK & 9/11.” In light of the apparent Trump assassination attempt, Wyatt provides some interesting historical context:

“How many Americans are aware that the Jewish Secretary of the Confederate States, Judah P. Benjamin, was a close confidant of both John Surratt—a man accused of plotting Lincoln’s murder in partnership with John Wilkes Booth—and the Rothschild family of Europe?”
“In the spring of 1977 George de Mohrenschildt was found dead from a shotgun blast to the head after publicly complaining that ‘the Jewish mafia’ was trying to kill him for writing a memoir about his former friend Lee Harvey Oswald titled I Am A Patsy! I Am a Patsy!” 
“In his 2018 best-selling book Rise and Kill First: The Secret History of Israel’s Targeted Assassinations, Israeli journalist Ronen Bergman reveals that Israeli Military Intelligence had been working on a program the month before Robert Kennedy’s assassination to hypnotize and program Palestinian prisoners to kill PLO leader Yasser Arafat…Almost everybody today who’s familiar with the facts of the case, including RFK’s son Robert Kennedy Jr, acknowledges that (Palestinian-American) Sirhan Sirhan was under the influence of hypnosis when Bobby Kennedy was killed and couldn’t possibly have fired the fatal shot.”


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